WEBVTT FILE 1 00:00:00.000 --> 00:00:04.000 Where there’s fire, 2 00:00:04.000 --> 00:00:08.000 there’s smoke. 3 00:00:08.000 --> 00:00:12.000 But smoke can also travel far beyond a burning fire. It blows across continents and oceans, 4 00:00:12.000 --> 00:00:16.000 altering air quality and affecting weather patterns. 5 00:00:16.000 --> 00:00:20.000 What happens when that smoke mixes with the atmosphere — where it goes, 6 00:00:20.000 --> 00:00:24.000 what exactly it carries, and how it affects people and ecosystems — is important 7 00:00:24.000 --> 00:00:28.000 and ongoing research. Enter NASA, NOAA 8 00:00:28.000 --> 00:00:32.000 and university partners, working from airplanes, mobile research laboratories 9 00:00:32.000 --> 00:00:36.000 and ground stations to follow particles of smoke produced by fires 10 00:00:36.000 --> 00:00:40.000 across the United States. The mission? It’s called 11 00:00:40.000 --> 00:00:44.000 the Fire Influence on Regional to Global Environments and Air Quality, 12 00:00:44.000 --> 00:00:48.000 or FIREEx-AQ, for short. 13 00:00:48.000 --> 00:00:52.000 Generally, the goal is to track smoke as it crosses North America, taking air samples 14 00:00:52.000 --> 00:00:56.000 ranging from high in the sky to down on the ground where people are breathing it. 15 00:00:56.000 --> 00:01:00.000 These measurements will help answer some big questions, like: 16 00:01:00.000 --> 00:01:04.000 What’s in the smoke? How do fires affect air quality across North America? 17 00:01:04.000 --> 00:01:08.000 What are some of the long-term affects of smoke from 18 00:01:08.000 --> 00:01:12.000 these fires? And importantly, how can satellites help us 19 00:01:12.000 --> 00:01:16.000 answer these questions? There are a few stops along the way. 20 00:01:16.000 --> 00:01:20.000 First up: Boise, Idaho. From Boise, 21 00:01:20.000 --> 00:01:24.000 the FIREEx-AQ team will deploy throughout the U.S., taking measurements 22 00:01:24.000 --> 00:01:28.000 of smoke from wildfires. 23 00:01:28.000 --> 00:01:32.000 Next up, the team heads to Salina, Kansas, to focus on smoke from agricultural fires, 24 00:01:32.000 --> 00:01:36.000 looking at the unique composition of chemicals in these small, managed burns. 25 00:01:36.000 --> 00:01:40.000 Finally, all this data comes back to the lab 26 00:01:40.000 --> 00:01:44.000 where researchers put it into computer models, improving forecasts of where smoke 27 00:01:44.000 --> 00:01:48.000 travels, and what it carries, as fires burn across North America. 28 00:01:48.000 --> 00:01:52.000 FIREEx-AQ is just one of NASA’s many 29 00:01:52.000 --> 00:01:56.000 missions studying fires and how they’re changing with our planet. 30 00:01:56.000 --> 00:02:00.000 From the ground, the air and space, we’re keeping a close eye on Earth 31 00:02:00.000 --> 00:02:04.000 and how it burns. 32 00:02:04.000 --> 00:02:08.000 EXPLORE EARTH 33 00:02:08.000 --> 00:02:11.000 NASA 34 00:02:11.000 --> 00:02:14.549