1 00:00:01,042 --> 00:00:03,211 Other things have changed too - we’ve chopped 2 00:00:03,211 --> 00:00:04,671 down tropical forests, 3 00:00:04,671 --> 00:00:06,047 caused the ozone hole, and 4 00:00:06,047 --> 00:00:06,965 filled the air with soot, smog and 5 00:00:06,965 --> 00:00:10,218 other kinds of air pollution. 6 00:00:10,218 --> 00:00:12,012 And this is on top of natural variations 7 00:00:12,012 --> 00:00:14,597 caused by the dynamics of the oceans, or volcanoes, 8 00:00:14,597 --> 00:00:16,808 or variations in the Sun’s activity. 9 00:00:16,808 --> 00:00:17,809 And so we can ask whether 10 00:00:17,809 --> 00:00:19,728 it’s human activities warming our planet. 11 00:00:20,228 --> 00:00:21,479 At NASA, we have some big and 12 00:00:21,479 --> 00:00:23,273 powerful computers, 13 00:00:23,273 --> 00:00:26,568 able to make 6.8 trillion calculations per second. 14 00:00:26,985 --> 00:00:28,695 We put these huge supercomputers 15 00:00:28,695 --> 00:00:30,363 to work to recreate Earth’s climate. 16 00:00:30,947 --> 00:00:32,782 So, we have thousands of ideas of 17 00:00:32,782 --> 00:00:35,035 what could naturally cause climate change. 18 00:00:35,035 --> 00:00:37,746 We have 4 billion years of history where nearly 19 00:00:37,746 --> 00:00:39,122 anything and everything 20 00:00:39,122 --> 00:00:41,666 you could imagine has impacted Earth's climate! 21 00:00:42,459 --> 00:00:43,752 But each of those events have 22 00:00:43,752 --> 00:00:45,837 their own distinct fingerprint which we can 23 00:00:45,837 --> 00:00:49,007 identify a pattern of behavior with natural variability. 24 00:00:49,507 --> 00:00:53,011 Using supercomputers, we can run simulations of natural climate drivers, 25 00:00:53,386 --> 00:00:57,140 solar energy changes, wobbles in Earth’s orbits, ocean turnover, 26 00:00:57,140 --> 00:00:58,099 volcanic eruptions.... 27 00:00:58,725 --> 00:01:00,727 And we can run simulations of human effects. 28 00:01:01,102 --> 00:01:02,854 And what we've seen is... 29 00:01:02,854 --> 00:01:05,315 It's us. There's no way around it. 30 00:01:05,315 --> 00:01:09,694 Looking at the evidence, we're the force that's enacting these changes. 31 00:01:10,403 --> 00:01:14,199 I am so proud of our ability to understand 32 00:01:14,199 --> 00:01:17,118 the climate, but I'm terrified of what we found.